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Meeting the Need for Modern Contraception: Effective Solutions to a Pressing Global Challenge

The RESPOND Project is pleased to announce publication in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics of a comprehensive article addressing family planning programs and the provision of modern contraception. "Meeting the Need for Modern Contraception: Effective Solutions to a Pressing Global Challenge," coauthored by RESPOND Medical Director Dr. Roy Jacobstein and three key staff from the U.S. Agency for International Development, reviews such important topics as the benefits of family planning, trends in modern contraceptive use, the differential effectiveness of various modern methods, unmet need for modern contraception, the purpose and function of family planning programs, barriers to contraceptive access and use, and innovative and high-impact programming practices. The latter include such issues as postpartum family planning, postabortion family planning, task sharing/task shifting, and provision of mobile outreach services. The article also includes capsule summaries of family planning provision in three countries that represent "success stories" (Ethiopia, Malawi, and Rwanda), as well as of in a situation of universal access (in the United Kingdom).

Citation: Jacobstein, R., Curtis, C., Spieler, J., and Radloff, S. 2013. Meeting the need for modern contraception: Effective solutions to a pressing global challenge. International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics In press. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2013.02.005.

The full text article now available through open access on the journal web site, at the following link:


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Photo credits: M. Tuschman/EngenderHealth; A. Fiorente/EngenderHealth; C. Svingen/EngenderHealth.

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